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1 Obdicut  Wed, Feb 9, 2011 5:34:09am
This forcing out of Supreme Court justices not for any misconduct on the part of the justices but because of religious beliefs is unprecedented, and it really deserves more attention. I consider it the first real successful step towards theocracy.

Absolutely. It's a terrible thing. They want judges who interpret not according to the law, but according to their particular religion. That is, in fact, theocracy. That is what they have in countries in the Middle East.

2 theheat  Wed, Feb 9, 2011 5:38:38am

Let's just cut to the chase and rebrand this soiree as Bare Ass Theocracy, because that's precisely what it is.

Strange when I was growing up the big fear was communism. After 9/11 it was the certain Islamification of America. As it turns out, the real threat to America is the crazyass Christian theocrats of a political body that represent roughly 50% of the county's voters.

Not one candidate worth a shit. Not one. They're all scary as hell and poised to club America's citizens over the head with bibles like so many baby seals. And fuck them for thinking so.

3 moderatelyradicalliberal  Wed, Feb 9, 2011 9:40:35am

The GOP is just so sad. I was under the impression that Pawlenty was a "sane" non-radical Republican, but I see he is running the race to the bottom as well.

4 HappyWarrior  Wed, Feb 9, 2011 9:58:05am

Our founding documents? The guy knows that this isn't true. And I find it very sad that in order to make your bonafides with Iowa Republicans that you have to go anti gay as possible. Just really pathetic. Oh and Mr. Hurley who thinks gay marriage is a bigger danger than smoking is a moron of the highest magnitude.

5 Prononymous, rogue demon hunter  Wed, Feb 9, 2011 11:05:12am

Nice comprehensive writeup Freetoken.

Oh boy, "pro-family"... I guess they meant to say anti-abortion-in-any-circumstance and teh-ghey-iz-evul .

It's almost as if you can decode what they are really thinking by just looking at how they name things. Pro-family, pro-life, clear skies act, etc etc.

With Paul and Pawlenty kissing these guys asses, I can hardly wait to hear the kind of drivel the more socially conservative candidates will spew during this election cycle.

Chuck Hurley, who leads the Iowa Family Policy Center, made the charge in March 2010 that gay marriage was more dangerous than smoking.

Of course it is more dangerous. Smoking doesn't get you a ticket straight to hell. /

6 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Wed, Feb 9, 2011 3:24:07pm

I'm never voting for a Republican for any office higher than an Oregon one until this GOP theocratic hate bullshit stops

And it'll never stop, so I guess I'm still a Democrat

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